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Member Safety

Myrtle Wavez will take a zero tolerance approach when it comes to the safety of cast members. The safety and well-being of our performers, staff, and volunteers are our top priority. We will continuously evaluate and try to improve our safety program to ensure that everyone can enjoy their experience. We will also model other successful Drum Corps safety policies and procedures. Some of the policies and procedures we will have in place are as follows:


1. Cast members will use the buddy system when speaking to staff members and or volunteers of Myrtle Wavez. The same applies to staff members and volunteers needing to speak to a student. They must ensure student is with a buddy. The only exception to this policy is if the cast member is the biological child of the staff member/volunteer. Even in this situation it is still good practice to utilize the buddy system. Members or staff members/volunteers found to be violating this policy while at camps will be given a warning for first offense. Additional offenses may lead to an immediate termination or release from the corps. The same policy applies outside of the drum corps. Staff members/volunteers will occasionally need to check on assignments given to the corps. Any written communication to and from staff members/volunteer should CC another staff member or volunteer. Same rule applies to students attempting to contact staff outside of camp hours. Students may occasionally need lessons on video conference calls. Same buddy system applies when staff members make these calls. Another staff member should be on the call. This buddy system will help promote a safe environment. Below are emails that can be used when CCing communication with staff members/volunteers. Staff members and volunteer emails will be made available to cast members who successfully register at the first camp.


2. Safe sport and see something..:say something:

As Myrtle Wavez grows cast members, Volunteers/Staff Members will be expected to complete safe sport training requirement of DCI. These fees will be covered by cast members and copies of completed training should be turned into the drum corps. All Staff Members/Volunteers and cast members are expected to speak up and say something if they feel a situation merits it. All reports will be properly documented and addressed in an expedited manner.


3. Background checks: Any cast member, volunteer/staff member over 18 years of age will be required to complete a background check. Any person that will be staying in general sleeping areas of cast members for a 24 hour period regardless of the site location will be required to complete a background check. Myrtle Wavez has the final say on limiting, revoking, and allowing participation with the Drum Corps. Background checks will be considered confidential and will not be made available outside of board members.


This is the basic outline of our safety policy and procedures. We are committed to creating music and providing a safe healthy environment to do so. Policies are subject to change and additional policies/procedures will be added as needed.

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